This crochet cover is a gift given to me by a dear blogger buddy Usrahfatihah when I met her in Kuching during my last visit. It was our first personal meeting and she already gave me this!
She called it a 'Pineapple Pouch' & it fitted remarkably with my drinking water flash (the green one)

And now it stands in my show cupboard where I placed my collections of 'Coca-cola' & Mugs. See? :)

Once again, Thank you for the gift Ummu :)
Till then,
Mak isah.
Salam Mak Isah...
ReplyDeleteI can't view the photos except the last one.
Maybe there is something wrong with my pc. Apa2 pun, thanks very much. Hmm... My humble gift is placed along with your precious collections... :) Malu ehh.. :)
Salam Ummu
ReplyDeleteHow about now? Can you view all the photos?
No Mak isah don't think it is your pc, must be Mak isah nyer blog. Sometimes it go chaos. Do please let me know if you still can't view k...thanks.
Hish, tak de yang malu nye...for Mak isah, it's the thought that counts most.
Salam Mak Isah,
ReplyDeleteNow it is sound and clear.. :)
By the way, i cant help admiring your blog background.. Sapa kata orang veteran sik pandei berblog.. hehe...
Boleh share step by step kah, sine oleh gambar crochet yang kacak itu/ molahnya jadi penuh seblog- blog ya.. (when me talking sarawak..:)...
please... please.. please.. (on my bended knee.. :)
Salam Ummu,
ReplyDeleteHe he..thanks, do you like it?
Hish on bended knee indah.. :p
Okayy..let Mak isah try to teach here, hope you can follow though..
The pictures, Mak isah gi google for 'crochet images'...there are a lot there. Just choose the cute and the color that match your blog theme.
After you chose your picture, save it to your pc, make sure you can find it later.
Open your blog, click on 'Design' on rt hand top of your blog.
Click on 'Template Design'
Mak isah using 'Picture window'
Then click on 'Background'
- On 'Background image', click & 'Select Background image' appear.
Click on 'Upload image'
Just upload your picture that you have saved in your pc earlier on.
Mak isah discovered this picture of mine belongs to Eileen of
so, Mak isah let her know I am using her picture for my blog.
She has a very nice blog there, full of crochets!
Salam Mak Isah,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much... I learnt something new today.. I'll sure try this afterwards..
thanks again.. :)
Salam Ummu,
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome my dear :)