I went voting late this morning with hubby. And I've just heard the results on tv. BN lost over DAP in 2 areas in Miri.
Down here are my 3 colored wool thread that I've used the other day. I didn't want to waste the rest of these so I crochet the green colored wool thread into something....
Black, Green and White Wool Thread

This...! How do you like it? :) It is a cute small pouch bag, maybe to put in some scented dried leaves in? or something else?

This was the pattern that I followed. Easy :)

Btw, Mak isah want to show the crochet needles that I have...these 2 are my favorites. The bottom one is larger, I used for my wool type of thread.
The smaller one I used for my smaller crochet threads.

Example of my smaller threads is like this white thread..

Or even smaller like this green thread...

I will show you what I am doing with that white thread in my next post ok :)
Till then.
Mak isah.
Salam Mak Isah,
ReplyDeleteSaya suka. :).. Memang dah sangka, kalau mak Isah buat sesuatu, mesti bersungguh2. Harap saya akan dpt buat sama macam Mak Isah buat very soon.
Sekadar cadangan, buatlah link blog ni yang kat blog Blindperfect tu, beserta dgn thumbnail setiap kemaskini Mak Isah.. So that they know every time you update this blog. Sayang sangat kalau kawan2 Mak Isah yang lain ketinggalan entry2 Mak Isah kat sini.
And, thanks very much for sharing the pic of the thread and hook. Mak Isah pakai jarum No berapa ? Tak nampak jelas no dia. (banyak soal pulak.. :)
Lastly, just to let you know that i cant view the pattern image as i'm writing this comment.
Salam Ummu, Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteOkayyy..dah buat link blog pada dua2 blog mak isah :)
Tak apa la, agak nya tak banyak kawan yang suka ber crochet macam kita dua ni he he..
the first one (top) mak isah pakai crochet sebesar white thread ni, it says Silver no.6
the second one (bottom) mak isah pakai crochet wool thread hijau tu, Tulip no.1 1.6mm
Agak nya macam2 rupa jarum tapi kat kedai diMiri ni tak banyak pun.
Thanks for pointing out about the pattern image, mak isah dah upload one more time, pls let me know if you can view it now or still can't ok?
Lots of hugs
Salam Mak Isah,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you will never know how many people would be inspired by your posting... :)
Next, all the images are great and viewable.
Last but not least, want to ask your favor (untuk yang kesekian kalinya)... Bila2 Mak Isah senang, buatlah simple tutorial nak buat pouch ni. I know how to crochet based on the diagram, tapi kalau Mak Isah boleh tunjukkan macamana nak jadikan dia pouch and how to crochet your white string with flower, i would surely love you more.. hehe... :)
bok la kmk berkesempatan nangga blog Mak Isah nok sigek tok.. loveee it :D
ReplyDeleteEmak Biru suka juak ngait tok.. emak biasa ngait topi utk adik Biru and h/phone casing untuk Biru.. dolok2 emak pernah molah renda untuk meja segala ya but now dah ingat-ingat lupak katanya :)
Salam Ummu, Mak Isah hopes I did inspired people. That will be such a satisfaction to know because Mak isah loves sharing.
ReplyDeleteBut I must warn you that when I started this blog it wasn't meant to tutor because Mak isah is still learning crochet as well. And would love if you share your knowledge on it as well :)
Ha ha..you would love me more? budak ni... :p
Anyway, Mak isah did post again about the pouch and the flowers.
Sincerely hope it helps :)
Biru...Makasih kerna jenguk blog Mak isah tok.
ReplyDeleteRasa nya, mak Biru ngait tanpa makei buku. Banyak orang tua2 macam Mak isah hafal ngait renda cam tok. Tapi mak isah nang sik pandei mun sik ngekot pattern buku, sik se mahir mcm mak Biru ya.
Salam sayang